Howard sat much of the game in foul trouble, finishing with three points and 14 rebounds.
“I was on the bench—that was their defensive stop right there,” Howard said. “People can beat up on me and nothing happens. But when I touch somebody I get calls.”
“We have Brendan, who can match him eye-to-eye, which is pretty rare in this league when you have a veteran center who can meet Dwight eye-to-eye and knows how to really play him,” Jordan said.
“I give Milwaukee credit,” James said. “They dominated us all year.”
現在行われているNCAAトーナメントでレブロンが一番注目している選手はデビッドソン大学のStephen Curryらしい。あのホーネッツのカリーライスコンビの息子。レブロン「彼はめちゃくちゃいい選手だ。今年のドラフトに来るのかわからないけど、来たら指名されるな。」
Of all the players in the NCAA tournament, James singled out Davidson sophomore Stephen Curry as the one he’s most eager to see play at the next level. “He’s a very, very, very, very, very good basketball player,” James said. “I don’t know if he’s coming out (in the draft) this year. When he does, he has a spot.”
Raymond Felton is finishing off his third season with the Charlotte Bobcats and for the third year he believes his team gets no respect.
“No question. We get written off every year,” said Felton, whose critical baskets in the final minute Friday lifted the Bobcats to a 96-93 victory over the Seattle Supersonics. “That’s what people have been saying ever since I’ve been a Bobcat.
“We’re still trying (for the playoffs). That’s still our goal,” said Felton, whose team is four games out of the final playoff spot with nine games left. “It’s possible some other teams lose and we slip in there. We are in the East.”
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