・Stern had a
harder time explaining why so many fans—91%, according to a New York Daily News
online poll taken last week—plug into the notion that refs deliberately
influence games. "It's an interesting archaeological problem," Stern
said, sighing heavily. What he meant by archaeological is that the perception
has been around since Red Auerbach was littering the Boston Garden parquet with
cigar ashes.(「レフェリーが試合を故意に操作している」という疑惑は今に始まったことではない、昔からある考古学的な問題だ、と言っているDスターンの記事)
・this series will be as ugly as Nash’s snout.(「ナッシュの鼻づら並に見てられないシリーズになりそうだ。」・・・ナッシュが鼻に大けがをしたサンズースパーズ戦についての記事より)
・No lack of manure in NBA's farm system(「NBAの下部組織はうんこ(肥料)だらけ」・・・実質的にNBAの下部リーグであるNCAAは、OJメイヨの件のように不正が起こりやすい温床になっている、という記事から)
・Sources say Brand will spurn Clippers, sign with 76ers
・my mother was always there, sometimes twice a day, uplifting my spirits and telling me to stay positive.(Cバトラーの言葉)
・Chris Bosh is a Franchise Player that can be a Centrifugal Force in the League for years to come
guys' bodies are so lean that I think people underestimate how strong
NBA guys really are. Because of the nature of our sport and the total
body movement and the 82-game schedule, it's hard for most guys to
carry a lot of muscle mass. ”(「バスケ選手は薬物を使ってまで筋肉を増やす必要がないんだ」というTマッセンバーグのコメント)
・writer is good! very very good in his analysis of the nba. it
actually compliments rasheed wallace's comment that lebron james is the
"darling" of the nba organization.(「レブロンはNBAのダーリンだ、と言うラシードに対する称賛記事だね。最高の記事だよ。」)
・Multi-game excursions to the NBA’s Western Conference don’t carry the
same doom-and-gloom threats for Eastern teams that they once did, when
most of the league’s power franchises resided on the other side of the
country. But they will never be mistaken for pleasure trips.(遠足という単語がまさかNBAにでてくるとは。遠征、という意味でも使われるようです。)
・With Yao back, Rockets poised to blast off(「ヤオ復帰で、ロケッツ発射準備整う」)
・There had not been such a collective absence of human levitation since
white men roamed the NBA in the 1950s. Paleontologists believe that one
such fossil, Bob Cousy, who played for the Boston Celtics, was
considered one of the better jumpers during this Earth-bound era – and
the evidence points, in his case, to a three-inch vertical leap. (「古生物学者は「ボブ・クージーといった化石のような選手でも当時としてはジャンプ力がある選手だった」と確信している・・・たとえ彼の垂直跳びの記録が3インチ(10センチ)であっても。」)
・Banks can be a back up shooting guard and playin in an extremely small
line-up with Nate at point. And Blount is just complimentary player
just to help with salary spacing on Miami's part and it's better to
have Blount who is willing to play rather than Marbury who the Knick
are not will to play.(complimentary playerの意味がいまいちよくわからん。記事にしといてなんですが。「お得な」もしくは「チームにとって都合のいい」という感じかと。)
・Divac simply doesn’t possess the
earth-bound tools to stop Shaq, and if it’s any consolation, so does
any member of the Kings for that matter. (「ディバッツにはシャックを止めるまともな方法がない。」)
・A polygraph for refs? Seriously?(「審判に嘘発見器を使うって?まじかよ」)
・Befitting a game between the NBA's two
highest-scoring teams, the game started at a breakneck pace that led to
easy baskets for each side. The teams combined to make 16 of their
first 20 shots and were tied at 20 less than 5 minutes into the game.(「ウォリアーズとサンズの試合は、バカっ早いペースで始まった。最初の5分になる頃には20対20の同点になった」)
・No city on the planet is better equipped than Las Vegas to handle the pomp and pimposity of the NBA All-Star Game.The lights, the hotels, the shows, the celebrity savvy – nobody knows how to throw a party like Vegas.(「ベガスほどオールスターを開くのに最高の場所はない」)
・The eight-tentacled mollusk has long been a symbol
of the team's road to capturing the Stanley Cup, which formerly was
accomplished by winning eight games. Though it now takes 16 victories
over four rounds of the playoffs to hoist the Stanley Cup, and while it
has become more difficult to sneak an octopus into the arena, the
tradition remains strong.(「昔はプレーオフで8試合勝てば優勝だったので、8本の足をもつタコはプレーオフのシンボルだった。現在では本物のタコをアリーナに持っていくのは難しくなっているが、その風習は続いている」・・・ホッケーのデトロイト・レッドウィングスのシンボルはタコなので、プレーオフのときは観客が本物のタコをアリーナに持ってくるのが習わし。それに対して「オーナーがその風習を助長しているのではないか」と動物愛護団体がイカっている、という記事。まさか「軟体動物」という単語がスポーツ記事に出てくるとは。)